Please use the form below to create an Olympic College network account.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Student Tech Fee has increased to $70 per semester. This has been approved to start fall 2020 but to give the university partners enough time to communicate to their students, university partners will start paying the new increased fee starting January 2021.

Student Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Birth-date: - -
Student ID:
If you are also an OC-student, you may enter your OC Student ID to apply this payment to your existing OC account. This will extend the account to cover the WSU semester.
If you are a WSU-only student, you may enter your WSU Student ID to apply this payment to a new or existing University Partner account.
Address Street
Address City
Address State
Address Zip

Accounts are valid for 1 semester (2 quarters) from the payment term.
Select the payment term for this payment:

OC-IT Help Desk
Bldg. 5 Room 216b
Bremerton Campus
1600 Chester Avenue Bremerton WA 98337